A range of decorating equipment, including knives and blade replacements, scuttles, paint scrapers and paint trays/kettles.
Sprayshop® provides brushes, rollers and frames to provide for a wide variety of painting requirements.
This range features:
Sprayshop® supplies a full variety of miniature rollers and frames.
This range includes multipacks of short pile microfibre rollers, medium pile microfibre rollers and medium pile solvent resistant n…
Morrells offer a range of Spry Consumables.
This range includes Stainless Steel Wool, Preval Portable Sprayer, Cone Strainers, and spray systems with reusable lids and liners such as the 3M™ PPS™ Sys…
Sprayshop® supplies a variety of consumables covering a wide range of applications.
Brushes, Rollers & Frames - Three separate ranges of brushes are available: Premier Synthetic Brushes, Craftsman Brushes & All Purpose Brushes.
Mini Rollers & Frames - A selection of miniature 4" rollers and frames are available as packs of 10 in a variety of piles (short pile, medium pile, solvent resistant or as an assortment).
Decorating Equipment - Various tools and equipment such as knives, blades, paint scrapers and scuttles.
Sprayshop® Sheets & Masking - Masking paper available as standard brown or Sprayshop® branded.